Secure Portal


Get Started


Follow these steps to submit your entries for each quarter.

We will contact you directly if there are questions regarding your uploads.


  1. Get Templates: download and save the templates you need from the TEMPLATES page.
    1. Input your data into the EXCEL spreadsheet template offline.
    2. You can continue using your original/previous quarter’s template and add your next quarter’s data. 

    Important:  Be sure to resave the file before uploading with the updated file name. 

  2. Upload your completed reports (in XLSX file format) to the portal on this page.
    1. Use this naming convention: YourCompanyName-Q#-YYYY-REPORTNAME
    2. for example: AcmeCo-Q2-2023-SCBA
    3. Review your successful uploads on the Upload Files page (here!).
  3. Get Reports
    1. Use the “Get Reports” drop down list to view any reports you have access to.
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